HOLD (Jurnal Studi Islam)

The Hold of Science journal is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic Studies and Religious Studies managed by the Qamarul Huda Postgraduate Islamic College, Bagu-Central Lombok Regency. The Hold of Science Journal publishes academic papers and research for scholars,  either students, lecturers or researchers. Scientific papers and research published by the Hold of Science Journal demonstrate, articulate, explore and explain the integration between Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, Science and Social Sciences within the framework of the Scientific Tradition. Popular issues prioritized by the Hold of Science journal are the relationship between religion and realities in political, legal, economic, educational, social, cultural, behavioral and science-technology. The study model promoted by the Hold of Science journal is the Multi-Trans-Interdisciplinary model. The Hold of Science journal publishes articles twice a year, in April and November.  Aligned with the goals of the Hold of Science Journal, we invite all honorable students, lecturers, academics and researchers to publish their writings in the Hold of Science Journal.